Thursday, April 14, 2011

How Much "Klout" Do You Have?

My mother, while working at the 6 In the Shipyard shop today, was speaking with a woman who is the Director of Marketing at the Hingham Launch. She said that she LOVES all of my little updates, the weekly blog posts I do, and wanted to know if I needed any help in any way.

It's so funny to me because after being a Marketing Associate for over a year now, I've come to understand how important it is - (at least for SEO purposes, but also because online marketing has a huge "social media" aspect, now) to be engaged and updated with your website.

Nowadays, if you throw up a website and don't touch it or blog ever, users will notice and people will leave. They can tell when you are outdated, which is now being associated with how reputable you are. I've actually helped out a few friends on getting their own websites started, and actually maintain a few of them as a side-side business. (You know, with all that spare time I have?)
Find out your Klout Score at
Anyway, I had checked out this website a while back to check out my "Klout Score" and had kind of forgotten about it. Now, with @TheAshTree getting at least a follower or two a day, I was curious to see what my score was.

I'm still in the gray "casual" section - though I don't know why. I feel like I'm tweeting the crap out of my business(es), but whatev. From this section, it looks as though I could be more active with my Twitter: which I agree, I could. I guess the "Listening" section is an accurate description.

So go check out your "klout" and the let me know how you rank!

Follow me on Twitter: @TheAshTree

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